Advice for Community Groups

  • Group members must advise the rest of the group if they are self-isolating
  • The importance of hand hygiene – see general guidance above
  • Cancellation of events:
    • If your group is an planning event which will bring together large numbers of people, keep your plans under review. Please be aware that the current advice states that people should avoid unnecessary social contact. If your events depend on volunteers, be aware that some may prefer to stay home.
    • If you are hosting a formal meeting, such as an AGM, plan for reduced attendance or the need to move locations and times meetings and refer to your organisation’s governing document to see what it says about remote participation and quorum
    • Check cancellation policies for venue bookings you’ve made or are about to make
  • Hosting a group meeting: Some members may prefer not to attend a group meeting, therefore consider:
    • Is the meeting is really essential or can it be cancelled or postponed?
    • Consider electronic alternatives such as Skype, WhatsApp, FaceTime or Zoom. No one should be made to feel that they must attend