121 telephone service

We don’t want you to feel alone at this time when everyone is isolated, social distancing and worrying about Covid 19.  The telephone service is so that you can feel connected to Devon Highlights by having friendly conversations with our wonderful community officers.  They will keep you up to date on the weekly activities that are taking place in our online group meetings using the ZOOM app, so that you can participate too.

What To expect

The first call will be with one of our community officer’s either Aggie or Harry.  This call may take about an hour as they find out about you and you can find out about them.  They will fill you in on all the aspects of Devon Highlights.

After the first call you will have a weekly call that will be up to half an hour where they will share the activities with you and have a general chat and catch up with a cuppa coffee in hand.

If you would like to be part of a 121 telephone service please contact us at 01392 248919.

If you want to be brave and try your hand at getting digital and joining in a ZOOM meeting, find out more here.