Our wellbeing can often take a back seat at work whether we're a business owner, leader or employee. Whether you feel overwhelmed, stressed, burnt out, lacking in purpose, disconnected or simply know you would benefit from prioritising your wellbeing, this workshop is for you. Packed with inspiration, tools and techniques you will be equipped to put wellbeing at the centre of your work and life and benefit from the knock on impact on your performance.

Facilitated by wellbeing facilitator Victoria Grimberg, this workshop will be held on Zoom over 1.5 hours with a break midway. No matter who you are, or your current state of wellbeing, these workshops will be accessible to all.


book here  28th March 12:00-1:30Pm 

Masterclass covering challenges of workplace wellbeing and how to tackle them.

If you would like us to run a session for your organisation or group, please contact us to discuss: victoria.grimberg@DEVONCOMMUNITIES.ORG.UK

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